Discover our extensive catalogue of Bonzer surfboards in Single Quiver. Because surfing with a Bonzer is an experience. In our online shop you will find the best bonzer surfboards.
Past, present and future..... come together in each of the three and five keel Bonzer of the Campbell Brothers, creating a dimension of performance and timeless enjoyment. The past is expressed through 48 years of experience in surfboard design. The present is represented by the state of the art absolute form, high quality icing as well as the interaction of Al Merrick's Campbell Brothers with many of the world's best surfers. The future is manifested in Bonzer's open performance capabilities, which have not yet been fully realized. Simply put, the Bonzer is the most futuristic surfboard design on the planet.
In our surfshop we only work with the best brands of surfboards. Discover our Bonzer 3D, Biscuit Bonzer, Mini Bonzer, Bonzer Egg and Shelter Bonzer of the Campbell Brothers with delivery times of 24-48 hours. Have you always wanted to have a retro board? Then look no further. Because you're in the right place.
If you have doubts about which model or size to buy. Write to us. We will be happy to help you.